Originally Posted by Steel
Many born again believers in Christ have a very poor understanding of the above matter… Thinking that they are called to “…be different…” from those who are holding to the things/ways of the world... Which is what scripture tells us... But a problem of poor understanding regarding the how to “…be different…”.
Originally Posted by Steel
The "...Lee-bots..." are coming . . . The "...Lee-bots..." are coming... Lord help us.
I'm glad you made your points right away, so I did not have to read thru your whole post. Thank the Lord.
Steel, referring to the sarcasm "...Lee-bots...", the concerns which former members have is legitimate.
Both Lee and the Blendeds have repeatedly spoken of the FTTs as "
Witness Lee Duplication Centers," for producing "
Witness Lee Tape Recorders."
That is, to the entire body of Christ, frankly quite concerning!
You cited Rom. 12.1-2 and then commented, "
Many born again believers in Christ have a very poor understanding of the above matter…"
I object. I dissent. I disagree. I protest.
I have never met anyone outside the LC who would even think about being conformed to their minister or becoming a duplication of their pastor. This nonsense is confined to the degraded Recovery.