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Old 04-02-2018, 10:14 AM   #22
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: San Gabriel Valley, Ca
Posts: 24
Default Re: You can't serve God if you aren't graduated from full-time training.

I completely agree with awareness, and that is to RUN as fast as you can from this cult, and IT IS A CULT! I'm not trying to be inflammatory, but the truth is the truth, so matter how offensive it may seem. My husband has recently started altering the way he dresses (collared shirt tucked in his pants) and recently asked if we could go buy him some ties. I asked him why since he would never ever even consider wearing a tie for any occasion unless he was attending some sort of court hearing. He didn't come out and tell me why, but I knew. He's trying to conform to their crazy standards, even though that is not who he is, which is sad.
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