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Old 04-01-2018, 07:06 PM   #21
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Default Re: You can't serve God if you aren't graduated from full-time training.

Good points bro Drake. We really can't live the Bible can we? But we can live it in our imagination.

Eventually, after leaving the LC, looking back, I couldn't imagine that the life I lived in the LC was what Jesus had in mind for his followers.

Neither can I imagine the Roman Catholic organization is what Jesus had in mind for his followers. Nor the Baptist church, nor any of the over 33,000 Christian sects.

I can't imagine that he had in mind that there'd be 33,000 sects of followers.

But what do I know?

Still, "citations" and "demerits" is an addition that strikes as mind control ... like that of military boot camp. I might add, and point out, that the military is the biggest and most powerful cult on the earth. And it's principles, practices, and laws -- following orders without question - mind control -- resulted in atrocities like the holocaust, and many, many, others.

I just don't think that that sort of practice, like a military, is what Jesus had in mind.

And yes, I know the song, "Onward Christian Soldiers," and have sung it many times ... while holding my nose inwardly, so to speak. It never jibbed with me, with the Jesus I imagined in the gospels.

Maybe the local church is following the Jesus in the book of Revelation. There he certainly seems to be the military type. I just don't know if that's the real Jesus. If so, count me out. I'm going with the neutral angels.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.
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