Originally Posted by awareness
But to dress the same and attend training's is what Jesus had in mind for his followers?
Well. Apparently Jesus recognized the importance of appropriate clothing (a wedding garment) for a specific occasion (a wedding). Matt 22:12
I don’t think the Lord intends that we all dress the same but neither does He dismiss that in some situations there is a dress code as above. Serving ones in the OT had very strict dress codes so the principle is established. I think it is very appropriate for practical reasons to have a dress code in academia, military, medical, service corps, etc. Rather than worry about what to wear, or what others are wearing, or whether you will be perceived according to an economic class because of what you or others are wearing you get to focus on your purpose for being there. Else, you should not be there.
Training’s? Sure, why not? Paul taught his disciples in the training school of Tyrannus for two years as being more suitable than the synagogue. Acts 19:9 A place free from the distractions of everyday life to study the Word... sounds good.