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Old 10-24-2009, 06:41 PM   #185
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Default Re: "Fellowship" on Music

Originally Posted by aron View Post
There is an interesting testimony from brother Doug Krieger, from the Berkely area in the late '60s. They had a jug band, & drove around on the back of a flatbed truck and played music for all the hippies & freaks in the height of the counterculture Height/Ashbury movement. According to Doug, the Spirit was quite prevailing. All the thirsty hippies were crowding around. Then Lee got wind of it and said, "No jug bands".
I made a #3 tub bass in Detroit, and we had a jug band for a brief time, until Cleveland. Then the kibosh.

I think what did it for the jug bands, drums, and tambourines, that was the last straw for Lee, was the Lord's table meeting in Cleveland. Now that was somethin' to see. And was loads of fun in the Spirit.

I'll describe it as much as I can remember. It started out with some lively energetic songs, with drums and tambourines ago'in. After a few songs, during the low period, someone shouted out, "We ain't religious," and ran up to the table in the center, where the bread and the wine sat, and turned the table upside down, and put the bread and wine on the underside of the table on the floor.

The meeting pretty much came loose at that point, and saints began to dance in the Spirit. Can't remember how it progressed but eventually we were all dancing in a train, passing the bread and the wine down the line. The wine cup had been abandoned, and the pitcher that was use to fill the cup was substituted. I remember seeing wine sloshing out of the pitcher as it was passed from one to another. I remember seeing this happen while a leading one, John Ingalls I think, was passing it.

So it wasn't just the jug bands, drums and tambourines that Lee put the kibosh on, it was the whole wild in the spirit thing he put a stop too.

In the end, if I had a choice between "wild in the Spirit" or "Witness Lee's authority," I'll take the wild in the spirit thank you.
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