Re: You can't serve God if you aren't graduated from full-time training.
Unreg>”Is it my fault for not having something that is according to these regulations ? I'm in flesh or natural man. What's wrong with me to have my head shaved and wear the outfit that I like? In Christ, should we have no natural favorite lifestyle which is not related to immorality ? Please help me what should I do? “
Brother, first you must distinguish the training from your church life to understand this.
As a member of the church in your locality you can dress however you like (of course not vulgar T-shirt’s or immodest clothing) but within reason and you can shave your head or grow a ponytail. Doesn’t matter.
However, if you want to attend the full time training then you have to comply to the regulations set forth by the training administration. Colleges, educational institutions, government, military, choirs, corporations etc. all have attire standards and regulations. Some more lenient and some stricter but in any case there are dress codes for a reason.
The benefits are too numerous to list in favor of a standard of uniformity for that kind of setting but the main purpose is so that you and others are not distracted, have character training, development of good practices, management, etc. and have a good experience and a successful completion to the training.
As to serving the Lord it is up to Him how to use you. He decides and if your heart is for His interests He will use you one way or another.
It sounds like you want to go so don’t let a minor thing like clothing or hair style prevent you. That is part of the training. There will be many challenges in life far surpassing those things.
Since you have a choice of age groups you should just decide on the peer group you would feel more comfortable in. If you have experience in life such a job, living on your own, caring for others, then you might prefer others with similar experiences vs being with those straight out of college.
The main thing is if you are willing to be trained. If not, then the training may not be right for you or at least not right at this time. Just go to the Lord and ask Him and then do as He leads. My advice or anyone else’s here or elsewhere matters little because ultimately it is a matter between you and the Lord.