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Old 10-24-2009, 04:26 PM   #184
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: "Fellowship" on Music

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
I remember Lee putting the kibosh on drums and tambourines back in the early 70's, when they broke out in Cleveland. That spoke loudly to me. Personally I don't care of the use of instruments or no instruments. I like the enjoyment in the Spirit, which can be found either way.

And in Cleveland I was really enjoying the Spirit. Great meetings. The kind you can't wait to get to. And the drums and tambourines added to it. It wasn't the drums per se, it was the release in the Spirit that mattered. And that was good, and all of it was good, the drums too.

Then Lee's shoe dropped. Next meeting wasn't so good. That's when we were told that Lee said "NO! NO!

During that meeting, I walked out, into the balcony that surrounded the building we were meeting in, on the second floor.

I was eager for another meeting in the spirit, and what I got was authority as thick as butter. It was a real downer, a definite Spirit killer.
There is an interesting testimony from brother Doug Krieger, from the Berkely area in the late '60s. They had a jug band, & drove around on the back of a flatbed truck and played music for all the hippies & freaks in the height of the counterculture Height/Ashbury movement. According to Doug, the Spirit was quite prevailing. All the thirsty hippies were crowding around. Then Lee got wind of it and said, "No jug bands".
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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