Originally Posted by OBW
I visited a church (not Local Church) in Nairobi in the early 90s. Electric and acoustic guitar, bass and drums. Had a sound similar to Reggae. Some of the songs were familiar.
All the points about music are well taken, but what troubled me about that quote was the "spiritualization" of cultural preferences in order to control believers and churches under the sphere of influence of a regional LC leader. This became typical of so many things in exclusive settings, whether the Brethren or the Recovery. Leadership preferences get "spiritualized" and then become dogma for all his adherents.
The recent quarantines did serve positively to "shake things up," and then force many saints to step back and take a "good hard look" at many things that had been taken for granted for many years. Music was just one arena which the GLA looked at. They were delivered from the imposed bondage of LSM mandates to use "pianos only and the hymnal." The GLA LC's, for a season, had the liberty to use any instruments they desired in order to "make a joyful noise" in their worship of the Lord. LSM, of course, strongly condemned them for using such "gimmicks."
These freedoms, however, appear to be short-lived. When the "powers to be" take away the liberty we have in worshiping the Lord in music, they don't tend to stop there. They continue to invade other arenas of the churchlife. If this is the case, then why not reattach yourselves to the LSM-promoting churches. Today you are told what instrument to use. Tomorrow you will be told what book to read.