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Old 03-26-2018, 05:41 AM   #239
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Apostles in The Church: Yesterday and Today

Going back to the definition of an apostle. I think the NT groups the gifts together to point out certain common characteristics.

1. Are all evangelists? No. We are not all gifted evangelists, nor does the church require 100% of the members to be gifted evangelists. But, has everyone preached the gospel? Yes. Everyone in their christian life has the capacity to teach, shepherd, preach the gospel, prophecy and even be a sent one. We should all have these experiences and we "should not despise the day of small things".

2. There is an exercise of the spirit. As you exercise you will grow in wisdom and grace. So, you may not be a gifted evangelist, but if you preached the gospel every day for three years you would become much more adept at the gospel than someone who has not done so. The Bible describes the Lord giving out talents. Perhaps you were only given 1 talent, but still you were given at the bare minimum 1 talent and if you were to trade that talent it would grow and increase.

3. Finally, there is the office of the gift. We have evangelists in the church who preach the gospel. We also have traveling evangelists. Both can claim the office of evangelist if they so choose. Likewise with teachers.

The way I understand it the office of an apostle is a "sent one". These are the ones we send to locations when there is a problem. Perhaps there is a heresy, a personality cult is brewing, etc. Perhaps there is a contentious situation that needs reconciling. Perhaps there are offended saints that need to be sought out and restored to the fellowship. They must be able to shepherd, teach, prophecy, and preach the gospel. In some cases the Lord may work miracles to confirm that they have been sent.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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