Originally Posted by JJ
Funny that you mention Matthew 18 in this context “Apostles...”
I recently reread it and it hit me like a ton of bricks. http://biblehub.com/blb/matthew/18.htm
Here is what hit me. What was Jesus’ answer to the question “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of the heavens?” “I am going to send Apostles to you who will be the greatest”? No. It was to grab a little kid and set it in front of them. A little kid is the greatest in the Kingdom of God. Then later he warns against stumbling little kids.
My takeaway is that serving little kids is serving the greatest in the Kingdom of God. Apostles never forget who they serve... “the little children” and don’t ever think that Christians are serving them.
The way I read it, all of the "super apostles" will cloak themselves in all kinds of pretense. WL had been in the word for 80 years, he was the closest coworker of WN, he is the "MOTA". Then by contrast anyone who stands up to this one will be patronized like a little child. For example, when I talked with Ed Marks privately during a love feast I was told by the elders "how dare you talk to him". Ed and I are essentially the same age, came into the church the same year, and knew each other for years.
So whenever you stand up to false apostle it will be "the little child" versus "the great apostle". Hence the Lord says "whoever receives one such child in my name receives Me".