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Old 03-25-2018, 06:54 AM   #227
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 1,006
Default Re: Apostles in The Church: Yesterday and Today

Regarding apostles “being first in the church (assembly)”

Now God has appointed some in the assembly
Link to 1 Cor 12 NASB with Strong’s Concordance:
Definition of appointed:
Definition of church:
Definition of first:
Definition of second:
Definition of third:

3 John 1:9-11 re desiring to be first

note what Diotrephes did:
1. desires to be first among them (i.e an apostle)
2. did not receive letter from another apostle or allow it to be read to the assembly
3. put people out of the assembly
4. unjustly accused the apostles of misdeeds
5. had deeds of his own that John was going to expose when he came

This is exactly what Witness Lee did and we are here to expose.

Contrast that to what John did:

When he was young, he, his brother and mom wanted he and his brother to be first and second to Jesus. But Jesus made him at least eighth to other apostles (Peter, Matthew, Paul, Barnabas, Apollos, Luke, James, and Mark) and he received them all, working together with them until he was very old before he was allowed to be the speaker.

Then his greatest joy was to hear that his children were walking in the faith v. 4. Not that he was now first.
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14 NASB)
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