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Old 03-19-2018, 07:53 PM   #154
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: Apostles in The Church: Yesterday and Today

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
The New Testament ends with a specific command not to add to the revelation. The Old Testament ends like a movie promising a sequel, as if there has to be more. The New Testament ends with an air of finality, as if there is nothing left to say, and even commands to not say anything else.

I agree that we all experience direct revelation of a kind, but nothing that changes or adds to what the Bible says. We might get further insight on the New Testament's meaning, but nothing added that was not basically there before.

The only thing I see in the New Testament that was really a shocker to the OT mindset was that the Gentiles and the Jews were made one in the new creation.
I agree we should not add to God's revelation nor take away from it. However the verse you have chosen is not the best to explain this.

It seems to apply only to the book of Revelation, and not the NT Canon which would follow.

On Rev 22:18, consider some bible commentators:

Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges:

It is certain that the curse is designed to guard the integrity of this Book of the Revelation, not to close the N. T. canon. It is not even certain that this was the last written of the canonical books.

It is true, however, that this solemn caution particularly refers to this book of the Revelation.

The reference here is to the book of Revelation only - for at that time the books that now constitute what we call the Bible were not collected into a single volume. This passage, therefore, should not be adduced as referring to the whole of the sacred Scriptures.
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