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Old 03-16-2018, 02:16 PM   #46
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 100
Default Re: Apostles in The Church: Yesterday and Today

Originally Posted by kumbaya View Post
... none of my family or friends still in the LC would say some of the things said to me and others by (for lack of a better word) "trolls" on here trying to defend the Lord's Recovery. ...

But, it's not fair to generalize and say that they "represent" the LC. Their attitudes towards other Christians are new to me! ... My problem is the system, not the members! I have nothing but love for anyone else but it's obvious some ppl of this forum just want to cause chaos- perhaps in their minds, "in the name of the Lord?" Ha! Whatever their justification and motive, the "trolls" aren't a representation of MOST members in the LC's, in my experience!
I agree with you. I didn't know personally know people that would respond in the ways these have, but I have heard them and know there are not just a few. I don't think they represent the LC's individuals, not at all. But, as I said, they are an example of what is possible in the LC. Of course trolls are possible in any group, but certain systems lend themselves much more to such behavior. One of the ways is by actively hiding information. When I was still in the LC I went with some college students to the Christians on Campus meetings in order to go through what they were going to do on the campus that day. I have no doubt that most of the students I was with were there to preach the gospel and hopefully get some saved. However, we were told, "Don't talk about the link to the LC. " We were told to avoid it, not to offer any info that would connect Christians on Campus to the LC. This is the type of system where trolls are tolerated as long as they are trolling others...and we all know what the LC (of course not all of them) thinks of Christianity and its members.
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