Re: Applying this to Witness Lee
The psychology of the LCM is that Lee was a specially commissioned apostle with something approaching if not attaining direct revelation from God--revelation that effectively trumps the Bible. If you feel compelled to believe and defend everything Lee says about the Bible, then you no longer believe in the Bible, you believe in Lee.
LCMers will accept Lee's teaching and fight for it no matter what, even when the teaching is plainly tenuous and in conflict the vast majority of the Church. Why? Because he is "the apostle," and so beyond questioning. It's not about truth anymore, it's about him. The Bible means what he says it means. If he adds to the Bible (e.g. man becoming God) that's okay, too. It all begins and ends with Lee. That's the mindset of the LCM.
And that's why some of the otherwise reasonable people on this board can suddenly seem to go into denial and stonewalling. Because the bottom-line with them is not reason, but Lee.
It is easy to see how holding a human being in such high esteem can go terribly wrong. As I've said before, there is no fail-safe. There are no brakes on the bus. Once you believe about someone the way LCM believes about Lee, you are married to it as it is approaching and even after it goes over the cliff, all the time claiming you are doing the right thing.
That's not faith. That's true-believerism.