Originally Posted by Ohio
Drake, you like to pick apart questions without ever answering them.
I was in the LC's for years, and LSM would only recognize Nee and Lee as apostles.
If you truly believe what you answered above, would you recognize Titus Chu as an apostle, or why not?
You’re trying to give impression that I am avoiding questions, as if I am afraid to answer, as it is part of your disinformation campaign against Christians in the Lord Recovery. I have nothing to hide, your questions are not difficult, and I am delighted to address them where relevant. Yet, not every question deserves an answer, rather many of the questions here deserve a review for their accuracy as they are questions of presumption. For instance, if I were to ask you “are you still beating your wife, yes or no?” would you answer yes or no? Either answer validates the underlying presumption you are guilty of beating your wife.
Questions like that are not really a question, they are commentary in disguise either naively in the mind of the questioner or to deliberately plant the thought into the readers mind. Everyone here is entitled to commentary in any form they prefer, however, I choose not to respond to every commentary no matter how it is couched. Yet, if I believe the poster is sincere in wanting to have a dialogue then I will address the premise of question of presumption as I did with a Igzy.