Originally Posted by Drake
I would defer to Pauls argument in 2 Corinthians chapters 12 and 13. It is His speaking in us through the apostle.
Not sure exactly what you mean. If you are saying that Paul's speaking matched the Spirit's speaking in the Church, maybe it did. But that doesn't mean someone can just say Lee's speaking matched the Spirit's speaking and that settles it. I don't believe it did, for one. So where does that leave us?
Again, remember in those days the Apostles
were the Bible to the Church. That's no longer true. The Bible is the Bible now, and I can point out place after place where Lee got the Bible wrong. So if Lee is an Apostle how can he get the Bible wrong?
Those two chapters show how Paul pleaded with the Corinthians to trust him as one who was qualified to lead them. That is totally different in tone and content from what Lee and his successors did. Lee threatened, both implicitly and explicitly. His successors threaten even more. Not only so, they act on their threats. I'm not taking about rebukes, I'm talking about what Richard Nixon called "dirty tricks," back alley finagling to undermine elderships and churches.
Paul was completely different. He loved the Corinthians and wanted to serve them. The leadership of the LCM acts more like they own everyone.
These two chapters are actually more evidence of how the bunch is unqualified.
BTW, you still haven't told me how an Apostle proves himself as per Rev 2:2.