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Old 03-10-2018, 05:09 AM   #661
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us

Jonathan Cahn's latest: The Paradigm

In a nutshell:
Pattern ---- Today
Ahab - Bill Clinton
Jezebel - Hillary Clinton
Jehu - Donald Trump
Jehonadab - Mike Pence
Naboth - Clinton scandal/s: Whitewater, etc.
Joram - Barack Obama
Ben-Hadad - Osama Bin Laden
Hazael - Bin Laden’s courier
Elijah/Elisha - Christians today

Before you rush out and buy the book (), do your fact checking in 1&2 Kings and 1&2 Chronicles, but mostly in 1&2 Kings. You should be able to see the pattern based on what you know about these people today in current events, but the details are pretty interesting, too. I had just finished reading 1&2 Kings and Chronicles when this book came out. Quite the "whoa!" factor. It's also all over Youtube.

Cahn's footnotes section is fascinating, maybe more than the book, since he gets a little dramatic in the book and on Youtube interviews.

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