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Old 03-07-2018, 08:33 AM   #369
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post

Please provide the reference from Witness Lees speaking for these quotes below..

.... using his “position” as “the apostle” the exercise authority over others.

Since you “quoted” then you must be referring to a quote from Witness Lee, so where did he say that so we can read it for ourselves?

If it is just your opinion you are entitled to it but when you quote as a reference you are saying you have source material.


No offense, but this seems like willful ignorance. The Recovery manifestly operates under the presumption that Lee's speaking is the final word of an Apostle.

Just read, which was created to put down the Midwest US "rebellion." It is nothing but "Brother Lee said this and Brother Lee said that." By Lee's word the Blendeds judged and executed the Midwest churches which only wanted to have the freedom to shepherd their members as they felt the Lord was leading them. They should have called it "," that is, Lee's, according to the interpretation of the Blendeds.

Lee implied his apostleship and MOTA status again and again. I heard him do it myself. But he was also coy about it, saying just enough to get the message across while retaining plausible deniability. The Blendeds definitely got the message. What do you think gives them the boldness to be such bullies? Of course it didn't make it plainly into print--they were cleverer than that. But the idea and attitude is the very glue that holds the movement together, at least in the US. If you are in Britain or something, maybe it's a little different. But you ought to know enough about the movement you are in to know better.

It's a little weird that we have LCMers here defending the existence of latter day Apostles, yet denying that the Recovery believed that Lee's presumed Apostleship gave him authority over churches.

What's the point of defending the existence of latter day Apostles if not to defend that Lee was one?
What's the point of being an Apostle if not to have authority over churches?
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