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Old 03-06-2018, 12:13 PM   #354
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
The Bible seems to show us two ways: (1) True Apostles had a close association with the physical Jesus or with someone who had such an association, (2) True Apostles had special spiritual empowerment which could manifest in highly unusual supernatural phenomenon.

In short, there was no question who was an Apostle if you knew what to look for.
And let's make it clear why this was so important. Many so-called "apostles" came from "headquarters" in Jerusalem, like those who came to Antioch "from James" (see Galatians 2.11-15) who brought "another gospel" to the Gentile churches. These ones were so persuasive and deceptive that even Peter (Cephas) and Barnabas were fooled, at least temporarily. That's why Paul called these ones "false apostles, deceitful workers, fashioning themselves into apostles of Christ, and no wonder because Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light." (II Cor. 11.13-14)

Today, we have the New Testament and the entirety of church history to educate us, and still the children of God are fooled by those coming to them and, in effect, rewriting scriptures with another gospel. In the Recovery these days, we have men in charge of a publishing house, called something pseudo-spiritual like "Blended Brothers," who can send their people out to LC's with mandates foreign to scripture, and based on the writings of W. Lee. Yes, another gospel!

These ones have thus become no different than the "super apostles" which Paul confronted during his ministry. Their authority is not from God, neither do they have the evidence of apostleship, yet they exercised a false "deputy authority" over workers, elders, deacons, and saints throughout the Midwest. They sued elders, stole meeting halls, and divided LC's, bringing their deluded followers into bondage, making a show of them in the flesh. (Gal 2.5; 6.12)
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