Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?
Lee was supposed to be a game changer. Into the world inundated with "fallen Christianity," the story goes, this lone little man was raised up by God to right the ship of the kingdom. So, much like Jesus and the Apostles, Lee was to change the age. But why should have anyone believed such claims?
For that matter, why should have anyone believed the claims of Jesus and the Apostles? Religion was established. Judaism was the faith of the day and had been for centuries. Into that situation, these Johnny-Come-Latelys appear and start telling everyone everything is being done wrong, that the old order is being thrown out, a new day has begun, and that they are just the ones to tell everyone how to go about it.
Now, why should have anyone believed them? What was the sign of the authority they claimed to possess? Simple. They could work miracles that only God could empower them to do. That was the evidence that they had the authority to redefine things. To authorize such major changes, they had to have something more than just their word and character, and that's why God gave them supernatural power. Even Jesus needed this to prove himself.
Lee didn't have that. So why should anyone believe his grandiose claims? In fact, I would argue that without such validation we are foolish to do so.