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Old 03-05-2018, 07:33 PM   #343
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
That is a very weak argument.

If Apostles are not supposed to be ABLE to work miracles then the Bible would have never recorded that this ability is the "proof of a true Apostle." (2 Cor 12:12)

Note, I did not say I knew all Apostles worked miracles. I said they should be ABLE to work miracles, so when tested by a church they could prove it (Rev 2:2). How else could they be tested?

You can claim Lee was an Apostle all you want. You can believe it if you want. But you have no ground to expect anyone else to believe it, nor do you have ground to hold anyone in less esteem for not believing it.

Expecting people to revere any latter day person as an Apostle is divisive.
What sort of miracles are we talking about here, that Paul for example, could have produced on demand to prove he was an apostle. The old coin behind the ear trick? egg in a bottle? I believe Witness Lee could have worked miracles if he wanted to.

There are other metrics we could use. For example, Witness Lee produced hundreds of churches, and Paul by my count produced about 20. It's a miracle in itself to produce so many churches in different countries.
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