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Old 03-05-2018, 06:47 PM   #342
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Okay, suppose I'm in the lead in a local church and some Blended brother comes along and says our church has to start doing things differently.

So I ask him, "What are your credentials for giving me orders?"

And he replies, "I'm an Apostle." (Note: This could be Lee or Benson or Menuro or Titus Chu or anyone else.)

So I say, in light of Rev 2:2, "Prove it."

What proof can he give? That he worked with Nee or Lee? That he knows "God's economy" inside out? That he's on the payroll at LSM? That he has the force of the movement behind him so he can make life difficult for me if I don't comply?

Just what is the proof of such a claim?

Let's face it. In the LCM it's all about agreed-upon conventions mixed with intimidation. But those conventions are not Biblical. They are all dependent upon accepting a logical construct that is really a house of cards built on shifting sand.

As I said, the only way an extra-local person can command a local church is when that local church has accepted that convention voluntarily. There is no authority from God that directly authorizes such a thing to which the church must submit.

LCMers exist in a state of befuddlement and false assumptions, and that by design. That's the only reason they allow people like the Blendeds to order them around.

If they don't have the self-respect to push back, they deserve what they get.
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