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Old 03-04-2018, 01:56 PM   #49
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 510
Default Re: What Exactly Does a Believer Follow?

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
If you want to genuinely pray for someone, you don't have to advertise it and show everyone how spiritual you are. Also, you don't have to tell them you are praying for them, and then how sad and pity you have for them.

On the other hand, if you want to pray for someone, then they might be humble enough to receive it, whether it is genuine prayer or not. Genuine prayer is when we pray "in the Lord". That is, you have to pray whatever the Lord wants you to pray and not what you think you should pray.
You're the second person that has made the comment that I should not declare my prayer or praying - maybe there is something there. When the comment was first made, I immediately thought of Paul, who writes to other believers and says that he is praying for them. Was Paul being genuine? Or trying to "advertise" everyone how spiritual he was?

I don't need someone to "receive" my prayer. I'm a little confused by what you mean there?

Maybe I shouldn't write about it in this forum, you could be right... but I assure you that I don't need you or anyone else to think of me as some spiritual guru. I do pray for people on this forum and will continue to.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
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