Originally Posted by leastofthese
That story is so sad Steel,...
No my brother... It's not sad... Rejoice... And again I say rejoice.
Was it sad that Isaiah, upon the Lord shining on him from His throne (Isaiah 6), saw his own poor condition?
Or was it a wonderful expression of the grace pof God unto Isaiah's salvation?
If you are familiar with the next few scripture verses you will know it is the second.
Originally Posted by leastofthese
...although I must say not surprising in the least.
Who cares what you think... Care for what the Lord thinks.
Originally Posted by leastofthese
Anyone who has spent time in the LSM churches know that that is what happens if you don't stick to the script of Witness Lee.
If you were wise you would spend no time considering "...what happens if you don't stick to the script of Witness Lee..."... And all your time considering what happens if you don't stick to the Lord's script.
Originally Posted by leastofthese
In the churches of Lee, Lee will be preached.
Until he isn't... Which will be according to God's will... Right... Isn't that what scripture tells us... That it is God who is in control of all things.