Originally Posted by leastofthese
Wow man. I'm just now seeing this... so sad for you.
Not in my view... I'm good with seeing things clearly... And another brother on this thread seemed to have said pretty much the same thing.
Speaking out of both sides of your mouth is not of God.
Originally Posted by leastofthese
You mentioned in another post "Yes... We do... And that is a reality we should rejoice in... Always rejoice in... As in not be sad in."
Yep... That I did.
Originally Posted by leastofthese
I do feel sad for you, more of a pity really (in a non-condescending type way).
LOL... Sure.... The Lord knows.
Originally Posted by leastofthese
Matthew 9 says that when Jesus saw the crowds so confused and helpless he felt sorry for them. That is my heart for you. I will continue to pray for you man.
Your heart is yet perfected, leastofthese... And based on your above speaking, and other speaking to me on these various threads... I'm going to be bold and say that perhaps what you think is your heart caring for me is actually your heart caring for yourself.
Do you know what the only prayer that the Lord recieves is, leastofthese?