Originally Posted by Steel
In 1989 my sister, older than me by one year+, drank Draino in an attempt to commit suicide. She was born again, but had become involved with an older man if Indian (from India) heritage...
Dear beloved brother Steel: What you have written is very sad and troubles me. Please don't be offended if I suggest that you talk with a Christian therapist. I know that I have benefited and my family has benefited several times. I guess I have learned that God is not my sugar daddy. Sometimes I think God can be brutal. God the Father allowed His Son to suffer such horrible physical, psychological, and spiritual pain that I cannot imagine. But, our Christ took it on for our benefit. I don't know why God allows "bad" things, but He does. Somehow He works all things together to our benefit. I am still struggling in this area, and have found that members of the Body have greatly helped me. May our Lord love you.