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Old 03-02-2018, 11:29 AM   #60
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Default Re: Quotes and Quips

Originally Posted by Steel View Post
Do you think God allowing this brother to go through the experiences He allowed him to go through... Including his LC experience... Benefited him... And has by extension benefited "...the entire body of Christ..." as a result?

Or do you think that all that God allowed our brother, Phillip Comfort, to experience before God "recovered" him after his experience with the LC, was of no value... And just a loss of time to his growth in the life of God?
We have a great, wise, and loving Father who is able to make all things work together for good.

We also have a righteous, just, and avenging Lord who says, "vengeance is mine," when God's children are stumbled.

Stories like PC's, and so many others on this forum, show us both aspects of our God.

PC would probably say that he loved studying the Word and ministering to us. He would not agree with TC's abusive ways towards many brothers, supposedly a way of "perfecting" the brothers, "recovered" and passed down from Margaret Barber via W. Nee and W. Lee.

I would ask you where is the scriptural support for these ministerial abuses, i.e. shaming, belittling, and humiliating brothers and sisters, which is far too common in the LC's. Have you read the Thread of Gold book by a loving and devoted sister in the Texas LC's? Please read chapter 1 and then answer your same questions for us.
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