Originally Posted by Drake
Steel is a straight talker... to everyone. I agree with many things he says though not everything. But it is absurd to characterize his posts as “depravity”, “lifeless, or “loveless”. He challenges us to turn to the Lord, follow our spirit, pursue the Spirit. He leans on the life side. That is not depraved, lifeless, or loveless. I for one, believe the Lord has sent him here to reach posters in this forum. I don’t know for sure but how many brothers will you slander before you are left with just your own? You don’t have to agree with anything but you should listen and you certainly should not slander as LofT did. Drake
Yesterday I dropped into a very low state in my being.
I wanted nothing to do with the Lord. I chided Him. I mocked Him. I cursed at Him. I even dealt angrily with a dear brother I meet with on a weekly basis when He called me up, desperate for a little fellowship.
Too many things weighed on me. Car problems, financial responsibilities, confusion regarding how to move forward in practical things... And the negativity I encounter on this website.
After being placed on "moderation" limitation again, and logging off of this website, I went to my Facebook page to see if there were any responses to my speaking on various threads that I needed to respond to, and saw that I had a private message from a sister who I have been ministering to (her words) for maybe two or three years. She asked me if I had started the project I had asked for her help on...
I just wrote back saying... "Not yet... But I certainly believe that the Lord is pointing me in that direction."
She responded with this... "He has poured a great deal into you, I'm sure there are no limits to what He may do through you... A beautiful vessel for our God's use."
To which I replied... "Well... Sometimes that's not what I see when I look in the mirror... But I appreciate your thoughts."
To which she replied... "Well, we're not supposed to be looking at ourselves anyway. But we see each other, and His reflection there."
(Which is what I am usually telling others)
To which I replied... "Thank you for reminding me of that. As with us all... It's still a work in progress for me... But my failing is an opportunity for me to have fellowship with you regarding it... And in and through this fellowship... Is mutual building up... Which in turn is the reality of the building of the body of Christ... I know... But sometimes it's just not so uplifting to experience in my natural man... Which I also know needs to be terminated... And around and around I go... Thank you my sister... You are as always, a blessing to me.
To which she replied... "Keep looking upward."
And then, this morning I read what Drake has said above... To which I respond... In love... To all here... With this simple hymn...
I’m thankful that God has placed me
With you to build up His Body.
Christ in you is the hope for me!
You also need Christ lived in me.
I live, if you stand firm in the Lord.
You live, if I stand firm in the Lord.
My going on is for you,
Your going on is for me,
Not sep’rate entities,
I need you saints desp’rately!
Oh, what a sweet church life have we!
Built up in Him, His bride to be!
In Him steadfast, you help me be;
Encouraged by Christ whom I see.
Your faith in Christ helps me pursue;
My progress depends upon you!
As I seek Christ, with you in view,
My heart, full of prayers, is for you.
God’s heart longs, desires that we,
His lovers, seek Him corp’rately.
On each other spent constantly;
My life is for you, yours for me.
I want to encourage you all,
Without your supply I would fall.
Never think that your Christ is small.
Christ needs you, and so do we all.