But I have an idea who he is, and he has a history with the Local Church, also. His comment about the ministry of Witness Lee being an addiction is spot on. I have first hand evidence of this. It may not have been an addiction to you, but believe me, brother, it is to many.
I'm with you Roger. I undoubtedly felt I was coming off an addiction when coming out of the LC.
Maybe that's why I'm like DJ. And say things like "Lord save the saints but kill the beast. Die, die, die, beast..."
There's nothing worse than an ex-something. Ex-smokers are typically the most legal and condemnatory, and so too are recovering alcoholics. They have to be. The addiction can get 'em again. Harsh boundaries are required.
And I've been harsh toward the LC ever since coming out. It's saved me many times from falling for other addictions. And since then no one, ever, controls me. I'll have none of it, even when working for someone. I'll tell any such ones to pack sand in a heart beat. Moreover, no one gets my mind. No one! Period. I think for myself. I work at sniffing out any thoughts where I'm thinking them because of conventions, and such like.
I'm a recovering Lee-alcoholic. I admit it. I'm playing with fire even being this close to the LC.
So thank God for DJ. Shout it from the rooftops brother.
And DJ, due to an addict wife, I joined Al-anon. I've learned much about addiction, and what it does to children ; even children that never knew one of their parents were alcoholic because it was hidden from them. The damage is still done, even when it's hidden.