Originally Posted by A little brother
Or are you simply evading the question of "whether you saw any evil from within the LC and whether the Lord had subsequently led you to take certain actions."?
I see evil both within me and around me... All day every day... And The Lord most certainly leads me to "...take certain actions..." against . . . As I hope you see in yourself, and all around you... And the Lord leads you to "...take certain actions..." against.
This is all part of our working out of our salvation, my brother... It's normal in our Christian life.
The above made clear... Regarding the local church in particular... I believe that anything I speak in the Lord to any member of the local church builds up the body of Christ... And for the body of Christ to be built up... Life has to come in... And as life comes in, evil is confronted, terminated, and flushed out... Just as scripture reveals to us.