Originally Posted by Steel
I know... I went back and checked, and actually had a second window opened with it as I wrote my reply to you.
I don't think I was careless in my response to him. I thought I was clear in what I presented.
Interesting. You knew the context was about seeing evil in all things LC-related. You weren't careless in your resopnse to Koinonia. You thought you were clear in what you presented yet you had implied I was speaking falsely when I said it was about "seeing evil in the church"? Plain reasoning leads me to the possibility that:
(1) you don't consider LC to be related to the church; or
(2) you intentionally responded to Koinonia in a different context
Anyway, I am just thinking out loud. Not coming to any conclusion here.
Originally Posted by Steel
In the context of believing members of the body of Christ conducting themselves in and oit of their natural man, sure... I'm doing so right now.
I hope you are not switching context here because the discussion has been in the context of seeing evil in all things LC-related. When you said your action is posting in this forum, you seemed to imply seeing evil in this forum from without the LC, or at least part of the posts, or may be even my specific post. I don't intend to further discuss towards this direction at the moment (not that I agree with you, just not to carry this discussion too far away).
But I would like to understand whether you saw any evil from within the LC and whether the Lord had subsequently led you to take certain actions.
Originally Posted by Steel
Absolutely... But love of what... And out of what?
"Love for the Lord and His church". Wan't this the context that you set in your post (#8)?