Originally Posted by Ohio
The Bible never says to turn to the Lord or we will be shipwrecked.
I never said it did.
Originally Posted by Ohio
The Bible says to turn our heart to the Lord and the veil will be taken away.
Perhaps ships get wrecked when the steerer is veiled.
Originally Posted by Ohio
The Bible says that those who do not hold faith and a good conscience may be shipwrecked regarding the faith.
Yep, it does.
Originally Posted by Ohio
Sorry, brother Steel, but to be honest with you, you really come across as a know-it-all. Perhaps you are not aware of this. Paul says even if we have all knowledge, but not love, we can become nothing. A good warning for us all.
Honestly, Ohio... Your opinion of is really of no value to me... When you can get out of yourself and into your spirit so that we can fellowship on the Lord's matters let me know.