Originally Posted by Koinonia
Unlike in the LC, on this forum, we are free to take an honest assessment of Lee, LSM, and the churches.
Well... Not really.
Because if you are in Christ, you are His slave... And slaves aren't free to make their own assessment. . . . And if you're not in Christ while making an assessment, you are, according to scripture, also not free... Being in bondage to the law of sin and death.
Sad how we seem to forget these things as we pursue our speaking on matters that offend us.
Originally Posted by Koinonia
The reason you, Drake, and Steel often seem so taken aback by it is that in the LC you are never exposed to any assessment of Lee that is short of hagiography.
I won't think to speak for anyone else... But speaking for myself... I am in no way, shape, or form "...taken aback..." by anyone's speaking here on this forum. . . . Why would I been... Scripture is clear regarding the two sources it can come from.
Either the speaking is ina nd out of Christ Jesus... For which reason I'd rejoice. . . . Or the speaking is in and out of death... Which scripture tells us has already been defeated by Christ Jesus.
And knowingthe above... What is there to be taken aback by?
I can only think that anyone who is taken aback is one who does not truly believe the reality scripture reveals.
No... The above made clear... Perhaps you and others here could try and stop lumping myself and certain others together... In what seems to be a foolish/dishonest attempt to tar us all with one brush. . . . Or don't... And I will simply keep pointing out your error in doing this.
Now... Allow me to make somethng else clear...
On "...hagiography..."...
Witness Lee is dead... And has been for twenty+ years. . . . I did not the man when he was alive... And I have no feeling towards the man in his death... Apart from appreciating what I read in His ministry... And the fact that in one way or another, the Lord used him to produce it.
And I can say the same thing about Paul, and every other person — other than Christ Jesus. . . . I never knew them personally, and have no feeling towards them in a personal way, beyond appreciationg for their ministry and what the Lord accomplished in and through them.
I have absolutely no interest in seeing people in their humanity... None... Zero... Zilch... I want to see Christ, and Christ only.
And this is not some high spiritual claim... Some super-Christian wannabe pursuit.... I simply want the Lord to return and this age be over and done with... And have come to see that in order for this to take place the Lord needs those who only see Him.
It is what I believe scripture reveals to us... And it is what I have come to realize is necessary for this age to end.
And further... I believe that having seen this... If I am one who doesn't hold to it I will simply be guilty of being luke warm towards the things that the Lord has shown me... And I don't want to be luke warm toward Him in anything.
Now this is not to say I am perfect... I'm certainly not... By a long shot... But I've seen what I have see... And know what I know... And am now, day by day, trying to enter into what I have seen and know... While at the same time having little or no clue as to how to go about it.
The more I see and know of Christ Jesus... The less I seem to see and know regarding how to move forward in Him... Other than to desperately cling to Him... Which requires having eyes only for Him.