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Old 02-26-2018, 07:27 PM   #14
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 48
Default Re: Hanegraaff and the LC-A Plea for Help


When I was younger, I did a fair amount of work in counter cult apologetics. I did my undergraduate work at Cal State Fullerton. I also lived at Brookhurts & Ball, which at the time had the LSM across the street. I ran into LC folks semi-regularly. I was generally familiar with them.

I am not up on all the ins and outs of LC history. They are a minor sect and I don’t run into them very often. I prefer to spend time learning about what I believe or ought to, rather than focusing on what everyone else believes.
That said, I would not be surprised if what you say is the truth given how sects that form around a single individual tend to be accompanied by sexual immorality and graft though.
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