Originally Posted by Igzy
Let me make another point. The Church has no problem saying certain members are evangelists, pastors, shepherds, teachers and healers. But for some reason it no longer seems to want to designate anyone as an apostle. Even giants like Rick Warren are not designated apostles.
I would prefer we use "The signs of an apostle" and alignment with "the fellowship of the apostles" for this rather than current church practices and mores which tend to change from generation to generation. After all, the two witnesses that appear at the end of the age will have the signs of an apostle and are clearly "sent ones". Besides the scriptural basis for claiming prophets and evangelists also includes apostles. Also, why does the NT repeatedly designate "the 12" and the necessity for having "the 12" if there are no other apostles? If you are sent by the Lord to speak a word and do it, then I see no reason not to consider that action the act of "an apostle". But there is a big difference between "the 12 apostles" and the thousands of other saints who have done the work of an apostle. I also agree with you that seeing the Lord is a critical component, Peter said as much when they replaced Judas, and Paul made a big deal of being caught up to heaven and seeing things (though he was never one of the 12).