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Old 02-24-2018, 02:50 PM   #40
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Default Re: Billy Graham - Tribute to Faithful Gift in the Body

Originally Posted by Koinonia View Post
I am not disputing that Lee was born again.
Praise the Lord... Now... Did you say that after taking the way of the cross? . . . Because even our good thoughts can come out of our fallen natural man... Or so scripture says.

Originally Posted by Koinonia View Post
So, Lee was a regenerated "judgmental, self-important bully who expected veneration of himself and of his ministry, while enforcing his assumed authority, dividing Christians one from another, and allowing immoral and unethical behavior in the midst of the ministry he claimed as his own."
Three fingers... Right back at ya... Now what do you do.

Originally Posted by Koinonia View Post
That means--he was born again and fleshly, and he stumbled many believers.
Ain't that the truth... Of us all... Even the stumbling many believers part... But I'm glad you brought this up...

Originally Posted by Koinonia View Post
The Lord Jesus said:

"Offenses will certainly come, but woe to the one they come through! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to stumble." (Luke 17:1-2)
Yes... Praise the Lord... He certainly did.

But notice He never asked for any help in judging where offences come from, or help judging who was the source of these offences, or even help in placing the millstone around anyone's neck and throwing them into the sea.

Because... As scripture tells us... That's the business of the One who will be/is on the judgement throne, doing the judging.

And what scripture tells us we need to be busy with, is only beholding and reflecting Him... Which is something we all, in one way or another, and to one degree or another, have a problem with/fail at.

Originally Posted by Koinonia View Post
And if Witness Lee had applied the same "see no evil" mentality that you apply to all things LC-related, there would have been no Local Church movement to begin with.
Now see that... You're just not being... Ahhh... What can I say that won't get me in "moderation" jail again... You're just being... Ahhh... Not so correct in your suggesting of what I said...

Because... I most certainly didn't say or suggest anything cloes to "see no evil" ... And that being the case... As is clearly evident in all of my speaking... What then do your own incorrect words say about you, Koinonia?

Look... We can't "see no evil"... Not if we're in Christ Jesus... Because when we are in Christ Jesus, we are not only in the light of God, but are even the light of God, and expressing the light of God... And therefore... We would certainly be able to discern what isn't the light of God... And do so spontaneously... Just like when you're dry, and then you get wet, and you immediately know.

So, no, Koinonia... It's not a matter of "see no evil"... It is a matter of upon seeing evil, what are we to do... And on that... Scripture is very clear.

Always... Always... Turn to scripture.

It's what I have been doing for twenty + years... And it's what I believe the Lord brought/gave me to do twenty + years ago.

I absolutely hold to scripture, Koinonia... In and through the Lord... I'm not perfect... But in Him, I am well able.
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