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Old 02-23-2018, 06:19 PM   #20
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: Billy Graham - Tribute to Faithful Gift in the Body

There is nothing wrong with what Lee said, it is a factual observation. In the bible the disciples added the new converts to the church. The goal is to make disciples, not converts.

We see that Lee had great respect for Graham as do I, however this is not to say that his methods or teaching is absolutely correct.

Also the hypocrites, the worldly media and world leaders will pay respect for anyone who tickles their ear.

Lee's positive statements about him are from some time ago. In recent years I think Lee's view "He does not try to please people." to not be absolutely correct. I would say he tried to please people by not offending them and in doing so may have provided false comfort to Presidents, the Queen, the Pope, Roman Catholics etc.
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