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Old 02-23-2018, 09:48 AM   #14
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Default Re: Billy Graham - Tribute to Faithful Gift in the Body

Originally Posted by Boxjobox View Post
This is a recollection that I have of the time Billy Graham came to San Diego for a crusade ... The speaking in the church ... at that time was that BG was a nice preacher, but short of the revelation of the church, so that his ministry produced Christians but did not have a container for them, which should be the LC.
This is also what I heard, but it was also taken to another level, i.e. that "Billy Graham gives birth to children, but does not raise them up, and shame on anyone who would do such a thing as that." Regardless of what WL said on the record about Billy Graham, we know how he really felt. It's really unfortunate that Drake quoted something from WL, because it's only fair that the whole story be told.

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Your point is understandable.....still .... ... he was an Evangelist and fulfilled that function powerfully. That was his commission from the Lord. God could use such a man because he had a big heart.
If we want to think that God could use Billy Graham because he "had a big heart," then we must also admit that many LC leaders could not be used because they did not "have a big heart."

Billy Graham was both a gift to mankind ("And He gave some evangelists ...") and a minister faithful and obedient to a vision, (To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith ... I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision."

For WL to say privately, off the record, that Billy Graham did not "see the vision of the church," is without dispute, since we know that these comments were prevalent throughout the Recovery. It was just his way of discrediting every minister besides himself.

We do know from history that Billy Graham was indeed faithful to the vision from the day he was called until his last day. He was the most fruitful evangelist in church history. He was never stained by immorality, and became a pattern for many others to serve God. He was a friend of politicians, yet stayed out of politics. By refusing to speak to segregated crowds, Billy Graham did far more for the oneness of the body of Christ than WL ever did.
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