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Old 02-23-2018, 07:25 AM   #278
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Let me tell a story here.

The church I meet with started out as one church. Then the leaders felt to plant other churches in the area having similar vision and to be associated with us. There are now five or so, I lose count. You may not like that kind of arrangement, but I don't think the Bible prohibits it.

What's funny is that Lee and Nee used to say it was wrong. Nee called a church that was really controlled by a outside entity a "kite." It was controlled by a long string held by someone far away.

I agreed with that at the time. But now I don't think it's wrong for churches to be associated with and advised by a central entity. What matters is what the churches freely feel to do.

To continue my story, one of the churches we planted decided they didn't want to be in our little fold anymore. They wanted to go a different way. You know what our leaders said? They said if that's how you feel God is leading you then that is fine us. They allowed the church to be autonomous.

That is exactly what the LCM DOESN'T DO. The LCM condemns churches that break ties with them. That's wrong and I shouldn't have to go into why it's wrong.

So I don't think it's wrong for LCM churches to associate in a movement. What's wrong, among several others things, is the way they treat churches that want to go a different way.
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