Originally Posted by Drake
Will you agree that a co-worker may come in and appoint elders and set things in order? If so, why can a co-worker appoint an elder but not remove an elder?
What Drake never wants to acknowledge is what qualifies a co-worker. How does he justify the actions taken by operatives from LSM who worked with belligerent saints to undermine elders and divide the churches?
The Bible also indicates that leaders are selected by the Spirit and approved by His people. LSM conveniently forgets these as they exercise their false authority to hire and fire unqualified LC elders.
During the chaos of the Midwest quarantines, I heard every elder say this. They all expressed dismay how editors and workers at LSM could tell them how to serve and follow the Lord, "
Those brothers never raised me up, raised up my church, nor were my spiritual father." And particularly disturbing were the book editors at LSM, Kangas and Marks, who had never even established a LC.