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Old 02-23-2018, 05:30 AM   #274
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

ZNP>”Neither you nor Evangelical are able to answer this even though you have taken the position that this meeting cannot be a "church" meeting”


Sorry brother. I do not mean to ignore you, it’s just I can’t follow your logic most of the time. I try but your entries are often long, seem repetitive, a little complicated, and even when you ask a question in reply as above it’s worded in such a way that is different from the conversation, sometimes slightly, I might be having with someone else. That is why I have not responded to most of your posts. I assume it’s me, not you. I can’t speak for Evangelical but it seems he has the capacity to ingest, analyze, and respond to your train of thought and occasionally I understand what you were saying by reading his posts.

The few times I have responded to you directly it is mostly on a point or a single post at most because I can’t consolidate your many posts into something I can articulate. Forgive me, it is just me. It is helpful if you ask me to clarify something I said, and that can jump start a conversation between us., though regrettably that too may be short lived.

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