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Old 02-22-2018, 07:44 PM   #270
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

It's interesting that the errors of LCM teaching generally fall into two cateogries:
  1. Teachings that depersonalize God and our relationship with him, turning him into a substance, thing or force. (e.g. taking metaphors of "life," "nature," "food," "drink," "dose," "transfusion," "constituting," "inwroughting," "mingling," etc. too far.)

  2. Teachings that over-emphasize the authority of leaders and arrange collective rules to control members (e.g. MOTA, locality, "Body," "Recovery," etc.)

Thus God is pushed to the background as a vague force which empowers the leaders in the foreground to control the members. Other collective controls like "locality" and "the feeling of the Body" are applied to solidify that control.

The whole dynamic of LCM teaching is contrived to do one thing: Keep the rank and file in line. Box them in at every turn. Sure, enjoy God as your "food" and "drink," but when it comes to obeying a person, follow "the brothers."
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