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Old 02-22-2018, 01:33 PM   #258
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
So, my point is that regardless of your experience there are biblical truths that do not deviate, sway, or modify based on your experience. The Body of Christ is one of those truths. I brought this up because you seemed to be rejecting it altogether.
I'm sorry, I don't get this statement. I know Ohio, and I know he believes in the Body of Christ. What you seem to be saying is if someone doesn't believe in the Body of Christ the way you do then he has rejected it altogether. That's black and white thinking that is inappropriate in regard to something as mysterious as the Body.

My reading of the Bible on the Body is that it never establishes the Body as a matter of authority between the members anyway, but of authority of the Head. In no place does the Bible imply or suggest that the picture of the Body teaches us that one member obeys another, only that all members respect and honor other members, and obey the Head.

The Body is a mysterious thing, there can be no doubt. So to try to make it so concrete that you assert that one member can go into a local church and fire elders and install new elders seems a bit much.

The early Apostles were different. I don't believe such gifts exist today. No one these days has seen Jesus (1 Cor 9:1) and none I know of can work miracles (2 Cor 12:12).

Unless you can show me an apostle who has seen Jesus and can work miracles, you aren't showing me one who has the kind of authority Paul did, i.e. can hire and fire elders.
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