Originally Posted by Drake
Well, I think we all bring different perspectives Ohio, obviously, and Evangelical has his view which I find to be thorough in the scripture, and we all are limited by time and space in our experience. He is describing something that really cannot be argued for a christian in that the Body of Christ is not autonomous. Just as your body is not autonomous and if it were you would not be here to discuss it! I am pretty sure you really believe that but all I am saying is that if the starting point of a christian's argument against another is experience and not the biblical revelation then how do you establish what is really the truth? It is not a variable. The reason I mention it here again is that in another recent instance you also let experience take the lead which caused you to define a truth (the Jerusalem principle) as that of Judaizers because in your view that is what some folks were acting like based on your experience. And though you may choose to apply the scripture that way, in so doing, you also run the risk of calling a work initiated by the Holy Spirit, a biblical truth, a work of Judaizers.
So, my point is that regardless of your experience there are biblical truths that do not deviate, sway, or modify based on your experience. The Body of Christ is one of those truths. I brought this up because you seemed to be rejecting it altogether.
Talk about contorted reasoning!
Drake your selective and biased reading of my posts is both boring and almost idiotic.
You dodge all the points of scripture, only to use some obscurity to dismiss them in total.
You don't like my *experience* but I have seen operatives of LSM in action, and they
do behave like the Judaizers of the N.T. I realize that you disagree, but so be it.
Regarding your comment, "
that the Body of Christ is not autonomous. Just as your body is not autonomous and if it were you would not be here to discuss it!" is pretty absurd. Of course, my body is autonomous! I have relationships with other bodies, but we are not "connected." For example, when I take a shower, I am the only one getting clean, and I do not consider my actions to be "independent and destructive" to all the other members I know -- which is the line of reasoning constantly heard from LSMers about this subject.
Here is one extremely important reason for the autonomy of local churches: Problems, both in teaching and practice, do not spread beyond the local congregation. In effect, each local church, like each city of old, needs a protective wall around it. Today these are commonly known as relational "boundaries."