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Old 02-22-2018, 12:07 PM   #255
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
No, Drake, I am using my experience and study to define the system known as the Recovery.

Evangelical does not have the experience necessary to speak on behalf of the Recovery. His experience is limited by time and space. He has informed us that he is in Australasia, which is the other side of the world from SoCal, and he has not been with them long enough to really know them. For example, he never heard Lee speak live.
Well, I think we all bring different perspectives Ohio, obviously, and Evangelical has his view which I find to be thorough in the scripture, and we all are limited by time and space in our experience. He is describing something that really cannot be argued for a christian in that the Body of Christ is not autonomous. Just as your body is not autonomous and if it were you would not be here to discuss it! I am pretty sure you really believe that but all I am saying is that if the starting point of a christian's argument against another is experience and not the biblical revelation then how do you establish what is really the truth? It is not a variable. The reason I mention it here again is that in another recent instance you also let experience take the lead which caused you to define a truth (the Jerusalem principle) as that of Judaizers because in your view that is what some folks were acting like based on your experience. And though you may choose to apply the scripture that way, in so doing, you also run the risk of calling a work initiated by the Holy Spirit, a biblical truth, a work of Judaizers.

So, my point is that regardless of your experience there are biblical truths that do not deviate, sway, or modify based on your experience. The Body of Christ is one of those truths. I brought this up because you seemed to be rejecting it altogether.

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