Originally Posted by Drake
The Body of Christ is a reality. It is a great truth."
And having not yet been fully perfected... According to scripture... It is a great truth that you, and everyone else, can only know in part... So where does that leave us when considering this "...great truth..." regarding the nody of Christ?
Originally Posted by Drake
Ohio, again you are allowing your experience to define truth and that is clouding your ability to hear what Evangelical is saying.
Everyone abides in and speaks out of our experience... And that included Witness Lee... And includes those who head up LSM... And all elders of local churches.
It's not our experience that clouds our thoughts, Drake... It is the source that we hold to while considering things... When we realize the Lord's shining in our lives, His shining uses our experiences to reveal to us what we are, and Who He is... Which then becomes the reality that builds us up as members of the body.
If there is a difference between members of the body regarding how each sees "...truth..." then this simply indicates that there is a difference in the source that each is holding to... And it is the source being held to that causes the person to either be cloudy or clear regarding their thinking on a matter.
Originally Posted by Drake
For the moment, forget your experience and consider the biblical revelation.
Scripture tells us that what you are asking is impossible for a human to do... Which brings up the question... What source were you holding to when you thought to ask the above question?
Originally Posted by Drake
You can always revisit your experience at any point and do the reconciliation between the truth and your experience. I’m not saying your experience is to be ignored, I am encouraging you to step away from it and examine truth, in this case the great truth concerning the Body of Christ and acknowledge it and affirm it.
Only in our vanity... Which is foolishness before God.
Originally Posted by Drake
Instead you are rejecting it in favor of your past experience... as if affirming the truth will open the door and people will come to your house and start telling you what to do.
From your own speaking, it seems that three fingers are pointing right back at you, Drake.
Originally Posted by Drake
Yet, if the biblical revelation of the Body of Christ is truly evading you at this point, then that is an entirely different issue.
From your own above speaking, it seems that biblical revelation of just what a believer in Christ Jesus is in our humanity is evading you... And if so, then the source you are speaking out of is certainly not truth... Which would mean that everything you said above has no value whatsoever... Other than in a negative sense... Where it allows the Lord to shine on you and use your above erroneous speaking experience to cause you to see who you are, and realize Who He is.
See how that works.