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Old 02-22-2018, 06:51 AM   #249
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Put simple, the local churches are autonomous in the sense of doing business and other practical affairs (choosing the meeting times and locations etc), but as part of the one Body they are not autonomous.
Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
In Christ they are not autonomous.
Why then is LSM autonomous from the rest of the body of Christ? Are not they "in Christ?"

Why then are LC elders supposed to be autonomous from the rest of the churches in their area? Are they also not "in Christ?"

The pattern in Acts 6 shows us how far the LC system has gone off the rails. The elders of the church in Jerusalem would not spend their time on "practical affairs" as Evangelical demands. Rather they assigned these to deacons, so that they could "continue steadfastly in prayer and in the ministry of the word." These are the primary responsibilities of church elders as they shepherd the church of God.

In Lee's twisted system of error, the normal responsibilities of the elders have been usurped by a distant publishing house, and the elders now take on the former responsibilities of deacons.

Since the LC faithful still treasure W. Nee, I would suggest they compare their current established practice with his book The Normal Christian Church Life. That is an eye opener.
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