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Old 02-22-2018, 06:41 AM   #248
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
What you are really saying is if the elders stop buying LSM's materials, they will be removed and replaced by more "favorable" elders, whether or not they are even qualified to oversee the church.
The Body of Christ is a reality. It is a great truth.

Ohio, again you are allowing your experience to define truth and that is clouding your ability to hear what Evangelical is saying. For the moment, forget your experience and consider the biblical revelation. You can always revisit your experience at any point and do the reconciliation between the truth and your experience. I’m not saying your experience is to be ignored, I am encouraging you to step away from it and examine truth, in this case the great truth concerning the Body of Christ and acknowledge it and affirm it. Instead you are rejecting it in favor of your past experience... as if affirming the truth will open the door and people will come to your house and start telling you what to do.

Yet, if the biblical revelation of the Body of Christ is truly evading you at this point, then that is an entirely different issue.

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