Originally Posted by aron
How to put it, then? "Temporarily bereft of critical mental faculties..."?
See... That's just you mocking again... Which is something to be mourned by those witnessing it.
aron... To one degree or another, I function perfectly well throughout the day in the practical things I have to do/am responsible for... And as far as I know, all the believers I meet with do the same... Some even run multi-million dollar companies that employ many people and therefore need to manage their day — as related to company work — also... There are home owner responsibilities, and family responsibilities that we all care for... Shoot, on most Fridays I meet for a late lunch with a brother whose wife has MS and son has special needs, and he provides most of the care for both of them, which includes having to deal with related local government agencies — itself almost a full-time job. And he takes the odd painting job when possible... And you have the audacity to think to call these people "brain-dead" and now "Temporarily bereft of critical mental faculties...".
Lord have mercy on aron... Bring him out of the hateful ignorance that he presently holds to and speaks out of.
Originally Posted by aron
With some it's apparently gone on for decades, so the 'temporarily' part may be overly generous.
Your own words expose you as a mocker of members of the one church of God... Be careful of how you work out your own salvation, aron.
Luke 6:45... "The good man, out of the good treasure of his heart, brings forth that which is good, and the evil man, out of the evil treasure of his heart, brings forth that which is evil; for bout of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaks."