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Old 02-21-2018, 06:19 AM   #236
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Lee also taught:
To teach that the local churches are absolutely autonomous is to divide the Body of Christ.
~Witness Lee, One Body and One Spirit.
This proves that your claims about the teaching and practice being different is misguided.
The question is, what does Lee's statement above really mean in practice? And that's the problem. It's a clause that was abused to control churches from the outside.

When I was young in the LC I really admired the model of the local church. I had a mind for things that worked and it just seemed efficient and practical. Churches are led by local elders, outside workers advise but don't control. Leaders should be humble and open to fellowship, but are not obligated to obey any single piece of advice from outside.

As time went on I became bothered about how elders felt they had to do everything "Brother Lee" or "Benson" told them. This seemed in contradiction to the principles Lee himself taught. The fact was something like autonomy was taught, but they were afraid to really practice it. This laid the groundwork for eventual outrages like LSM razing the churches in the Midwest. Like in the book "Animal Farm," the lofty principles of the new order were twisted by unscrupulous leaders.

I've learned that the integrity of practical church is maintained by several factors which exist in balance. Leaders have the right to protect the local flock they lead, but have no authority beyond that group. These leaders should be open to the teaching and leading of the Body of Christ at large, but have the final say what actually gets taught within their group. Members should respect and follow the leaders of the group as long as they are members. But if their consciences tell them it's time to go, those leaders have no authority over them outside the group.

The above is the way the Church manifestly functions and has for centuries. It is only when movements like the LCM come along, which impose authority on members in an unbalanced way, that you hear of the kind of abuse that has marked the LCM's history.

Jesus said by their fruit you will know them. It's astounding to me that some people can't read the message of the fruit of the LCM.

Last edited by Cal; 02-21-2018 at 09:07 AM.
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